Invitation for the ‘Circular economy for the agri-food sector’ event
Save the date! Next Friday 29th March 2019, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Backweston, Celbridge, Co. Kildare will hold the ‘Circular economy for the agri-food sector’ event. The leader of AgroCycle (Dr Tom Curran, School of Biosystems & Food Engineering) cordially invites you to attend this event at which the key technical, policy and industry-focused outputs and perspectives…
AgroCycle in China for Pioneering Conference on Up-Cycling of Agricultural Residue
Up-Cycling Agricultural Residue into Bio-Products
New AgroCycle Video #WasteValorisation
AgroCycle project hits milestone on Researchgate
AgroCycle’s researchgate page has hit the milestone of 100 reads. In addition we were the most viewed project in Ireland for the month of July 2018. Our researchgate page includes access to our deliverables (those that are public). To follow our updates please click on this link and follow the project: https://www.researchgate.net/project/AgroCycle
‘Let’s Talk Rubbish’ together at the EuroScience Open Forum in Toulouse this year
Agrimax and AgroCycle are joining forces at ESOF2018! Researchers and technologists from across Europe and China involved in the AgroCycle and Agrimax projects are developing new ways to produce a wide range of innovative products from unavoidable agricultural, horticultural and food processing waste including functional foods, active packaging, biodegradable materials, fertilisers and biofuels. To this end,…
From Waste to Resource Productivity
14th December 2017: The UK Government Office for Science and Department for Environment, Food & Affairs today published ”From Waste to Resource Productivity” which is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/from-waste-to-resource-productivity Chapter 6, of Case Studies and Evidence was written by the AgroCycle team based in UCD, have a read here: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/667480/from-waste-to-resource-productivity-evidence-case-studies.pdf
Harnessing Research and Innovation for FOOD 2030 Science Policy Dialogue
On the 16th October, Professor Shane Ward spoke at the Harnessing Research and Innovation for FOOD 2030 Science Policy Dialogue that took place in Brussels. Shane represented AgroCycle at the Circularity & Resource Efficiency session that was held in the afternoon and you can watch the entire session here. Shane spoke about adding technology to the…
Valorising rice bran for novel products
Recently, the Biorefine Cluster Europe published an article that one of the students working on our project wrote. Ciara Beausang summarised what our project partners in Greece, DEMETER are doing on the project. The full article can be found here. AgroCycle is evaluating agri-food waste value chains including a wide range of valorisation pathways…
Project Meeting in Brussels
On the 18th October, AgroCycle partners, EUBIA hosted our most recent meeting in Brussels. It was an eventful day and great to catch up with all partners. Each work package leader presented on the day which allowed for lots of discussion around the project results etc. to date.