‘Let’s Talk Rubbish’ together at the EuroScience Open Forum in Toulouse this year

ESOF 2018Agrimax and AgroCycle are joining forces at ESOF2018!

Researchers and technologists from across Europe and China involved in the AgroCycle and Agrimax  projects are developing new ways to produce a wide range of innovative products from unavoidable agricultural, horticultural and food processing waste including functional foods, active packaging, biodegradable materials, fertilisers and biofuels.

To this end, the two EU funded projects and researchers from the University of York have joined forces to host a panel discussion (date and time to be confirmed) titled ‘Let’s talk rubbish: creating value from crop and food waste’ at ESOF2018. The panel will consist of short talks from partners of both EU-funded projects and from the University of York. 

Why not register for ESOF 2018 and join in on the discussion?